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I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.

Latest Posts, Shop, Style Mandy Ansari Latest Posts, Shop, Style Mandy Ansari

The Best Winter Puffer Coats (including THAT Amazon Coat)

When I moved to New York City, I was absolutely shocked at the amount of money people spend on puffer coats to brace for the winter weather. Totally against spending an upwards of $1,000 on the puffer coats everyone was raving about online, I was determined to find an effective and very budget friendly option. Well, I found a few and I have to share the news. Read on.

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Latest Posts, Beauty Mandy Ansari Latest Posts, Beauty Mandy Ansari

The Ultimate Gift Guide For Every BFF in Your Life

No matter who you're shopping for, you need look no further than my beauty favorites from Dermstore. Dermstore is one of my favorite places to check everyone off my list. Founded by a Dermatologist, Dermstore offers professional-strength formulas from top skin care brands (otherwise only available at a dermatologist’s office), hard-to-find spa care and natural beauty brands, professional hair care and makeup products, and specialty brands from around the world.

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Advice Mandy Ansari Advice Mandy Ansari

5 Ways To Quit People Pleasing and Beat Approval Addiction

People-pleasers want everyone around them to be happy, but when you fall into the habit of saying “yes” to everything and everyone—it can become an addiction to feeling needed, important and gaining validation. Very quickly, the desire to help others can turn into having your sense of security + confidence rooted in the approval of others. Here are 5 tips to help you start saying no and stop living to please everyone, but yourself:⁣⁣⁣⁣

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Entertain, Latest Posts Mandy Ansari Entertain, Latest Posts Mandy Ansari

5 End-Of-Summer Crowd Pleasing Recipes For Your Next Dinner Party

I’ve rounded up my favorite warm-ish weather recipes that are easy to put together for a crowd. From watermelon sangria, beet deviled eggs (my latest obsession), the perfect crudité hummus platter, grilled corn (another favorite) to a scrumptious banh mi—you’ve got all the recipes you need to throw a dinner (or lunch) party. Make one or make ‘em all…just promise me you’ll have some fun!

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Work Mandy Ansari Work Mandy Ansari

15 Quotes By Women of Color That You Need to Read On Black Women’s Equal PayDay

This year in the U.S., black women had to work until Aug. 22 to make as much money as white men did in 2018. Black women also had to work over four months longer into 2019 than the average American woman, whose Equal Pay Day was April 2. I've compiled 15 quotes from women of color that inspire me and celebrate what they do for society, how hard they fight and just overall, what incredible badasses they are not just on #BlackWomensEqualPay Day, but every single day.

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