The blog

I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.

Wellness, Mindfulness, Advice Mandy Ansari Wellness, Mindfulness, Advice Mandy Ansari

At 29, I Thought I Was Running Out of Time—Here’s Why 39 Is My New ‘Just Getting Started

At 29, I thought I’d missed all my big chances, but now at 39, I know life is just getting started! If you’re feeling like it’s too late to chase your dreams or make a fresh start, here’s your reminder: you’re never “too old” and it’s never “too late” to go after the life you want. The best is still ahead of you!

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Wellness, Mindfulness Mandy Ansari Wellness, Mindfulness Mandy Ansari

How to Find Your Inner Calm When the World Feels Like…A Lot

When life feels overwhelming, the key to inner peace isn’t about controlling everything around us; it’s about focusing on what’s within our reach. By letting go of others’ opinions, expectations, and actions, we free ourselves to focus on our choices, our reactions, and how we care for ourselves and others. This post explores how grounding ourselves in what we can control brings true calm and includes practical tips to reclaim peace during chaotic times. From creating daily rituals to setting social media boundaries, discover small ways to find calm when the world feels like…a lot.

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Advice, Mindfulness Mandy Ansari Advice, Mindfulness Mandy Ansari

12 Things to Leave Behind

Whenever a new year begins, we talk a lot about what we want to add into our life. Have you ever wondered why we don’t talk about what we need to leave in the past? A key component to adding good things to your life successfully is ridding yourself of the past.

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Exercising Just *This Tiny Bit* Can Prevent Depression

Depression is one of the most common—and most stigmatized—illnesses of our time. To help people understand it, cope with it, and heal from it, it’s important that we talk about it regularly. Now, emerging research finds even more evidence that exercise can help ward off depression in some people. Let’s talk about why these findings are so promising…and why you might want to lace up your running shoes today.

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Mindfulness, Money, Live, Advice Mandy Ansari Mindfulness, Money, Live, Advice Mandy Ansari

Avoid The Holiday Season Financial Stress With These 3 Tips (And An App That'll Literally Save Your Bank Account)

Juggling all that holiday shopping, dinner party throwing, and covering your entire apartment in a sea of glitter and string lights on top of your regular day-to-day routine can quickly turn the most wonderful time of the year into the most stressful…especially for your bank account.

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Managing Stress + Anxiety with CBD and Sagely Naturals

Anxiety can be absolutely debilitating. With so many things in my life changing all at once, I can take all the help I can get when it comes to stress management. #SagelyNaturals creates products that give you all the benefits of CBD without any of the psychoactive effects. Sharing all about the Stress Treatment Roll-On that hasn’t left my purse and the rest the Tranquility Collection (that has been a a total breath of fresh air) on the blog. #SelfCareWithSagely

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