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Work, Money Mandy Ansari Work, Money Mandy Ansari

How To Get Your Stimulus Check By Direct Deposit

As American are still reeling over lost finances during the coronavirus pandemic, the promise of stimulus check payments is keeping many patiently waiting by their mailboxes. Checks are in the process of being mailed or deposited, now, though much about them is still quite unknown. While the process of receiving the government-approved amount of as much as $1,200 may take as little time as a few days from now or upwards of five months from today through mid-September, the Senate has already approved the $2 trillion bill drafted to aid those suffering financially in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic — the result of which has shut down businesses and caused many people to lose their jobs.

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Career Advice, Work, Money Guest User Career Advice, Work, Money Guest User

How To Make Your Resume Standout (Straight from a Recruiter)

Throughout my career as a recruiter, I’ve interviewed hundreds of candidates and reviewed thousands of resumes. I’ve seen it all. From the dreaded use of Comic Sans to a resume that was NINE pages long. NINE. I’ve also seen some really beautiful, concise, and creative resumes. Along the way, I’ve picked up on what makes for a bad resume, a good one, and a resume that really stands out from the rest.

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Latest Posts, Tech, Money, Work Mandy Ansari Latest Posts, Tech, Money, Work Mandy Ansari

Improve Your Mental Health by Taking the Stress Out of Tax Season

TAX SEASON IS HERE, Y’ALL. Whether you’re a freelancer, in a monogamous relationship with your full time gig, juggle a full-time job and a freelance hustle, or own your own business—filing your taxes online can be straightforward AND save you money. Learn all about what I did to cut the stress and get ahead with H&R Block.

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Work Mandy Ansari Work Mandy Ansari

15 Quotes By Women of Color That You Need to Read On Black Women’s Equal PayDay

This year in the U.S., black women had to work until Aug. 22 to make as much money as white men did in 2018. Black women also had to work over four months longer into 2019 than the average American woman, whose Equal Pay Day was April 2. I've compiled 15 quotes from women of color that inspire me and celebrate what they do for society, how hard they fight and just overall, what incredible badasses they are not just on #BlackWomensEqualPay Day, but every single day.

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Latest Posts, Work, Tech Mandy Ansari Latest Posts, Work, Tech Mandy Ansari

Podcast: How To Go From 9 to Thrive

Mandy had the incredible honor of being a guest on the personal development podcast Switch, Pivot or Quit. We dig into topics like mental health, finances, and JOMO (joy of missing out!). Plus listen until the end because that’s when Mandy shares how she lost out on money for simply not asking and she shares how she started working with a talent manager. Buckle up because this is a very full and juicy chat!

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