The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
At 29, I Thought I Was Running Out of Time—Here’s Why 39 Is My New ‘Just Getting Started
At 29, I thought I’d missed all my big chances, but now at 39, I know life is just getting started! If you’re feeling like it’s too late to chase your dreams or make a fresh start, here’s your reminder: you’re never “too old” and it’s never “too late” to go after the life you want. The best is still ahead of you!
12 Things That Don’t Define You—And Why It’s Time to Let Them Go
Break free from society’s obsession with labels, milestones, and metrics. In this empowering guide, we’re debunking the myths that tie your worth to external factors—like your job title, appearance, or social media followers—and reminding you that your value comes from within. It’s time to embrace your authenticity, ditch the checkboxes, and live life on your own terms.
Most Recommended Baby Essentials for First-Time Moms: A Guide from My Virtual BFF Network
Here you have it: the ultimate, no-BS list of baby essentials, brought to you by real parents who know what’s up. Your registry is about to be as smart (and stylish) as you are. And if you’ve got a secret must-have of your own, drop it in the comments—we’re all in this together!
39 Lessons I’ve Learned in 39 Years
In 39 years, I’ve collected my fair share of life lessons, and trust me—they’re not your typical “live, laugh, love” advice. From the beauty of embracing imperfections to knowing when to let go, each lesson is a reminder to live authentically, love fiercely, and trust the timing of your life. This isn’t about perfection; it’s about progress, gratitude, and learning that your journey is uniquely yours. So, whether you’re 19, 39, or somewhere in between, there’s a nugget (or 39!) in here for you.
11 Things to Stop Doing ASAP (To Live a More Positive Life)
Starting doing less of these 11 things to live a happier life
An Open Letter to Mothers
Dear Mothers,
This letter is for you - the ones who nurture, guide, and shape the lives entrusted to your care.
Gen Z’s Guide to Navigating Corporate America
So, you're a Gen Z icon about to dive into the world of suits, ties, and coffee breaks? Corporate America can feel like a whole different planet. But fear not! Your girl's got the tea, and I'm spilling all the deets for a smooth transition. Let's get into it!
10 Affirmations You Need To Read Today
Affirmations have the power to rewire your thoughts and change the course of your life. Here’s 10 by Mandy Ansari Jensen to help you get started on your day.
Feeling Stuck? It's Ok.
Sometimes we feel stuck and that’s okay. Here’s what to tell yourself if you need to get unstuck.
Unsolicited Life Advice from a Rainy Day in New York
Always be the best person you can be. Be kind even when you’re tired. Be understanding even when you’re angry. Do more than you’re asked, and don’t ask for anything in return. Don’t silently expect anything either. Listen when someone talks, and really listen too, stop just thinking of how you’ll reply. Tell people that you love them and that you appreciate them.
12 Things to Leave Behind
Whenever a new year begins, we talk a lot about what we want to add into our life. Have you ever wondered why we don’t talk about what we need to leave in the past? A key component to adding good things to your life successfully is ridding yourself of the past.
How to Make A Vision Board and Manifest Your Dream Reality
Some of the world's most influential thought leaders—Deepak Chopra, Gabrielle Bernstein, and Oprah— all believe in the power of a vision board. It's wholly possible to turn your dreams into reality. It's called manifestation. Well, that and hard work. Ready to learn more?
Feeling Hopeless? Say These 12 Things to Yourself Now.
Sometimes it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Self-talk is key when you’re feeling depleted and hopeless. Say these 12 things to yourself to help you envision better days ahead.
Affirmations to Bring You Peace and Confidence
15 affirmations to usher peace and confidence into your life on the daily
Changing Your Mindset With Positive Affirmations
If you’ve wanted to change your mindset, the power of positive thinking can have a significant impact on your spiritual and mental well-being.
7 Easy Things to Do Tonight That’ll Help You Wake Up Happier Tomorrow
Things to do at night that’ll improve your happiness and help you sleep better.
4 Simple Life Rules That'll Change Your Everyday
Four simple rules that will change your life
Need to Calm Down? Read These Affirmations STAT.
Need to calm down? These 10 affirmations will help you find your chill.