39 Lessons I’ve Learned in 39 Years
1. You’re never too old & it’s never too late.
2. Be kind. Everyone is fighting a battle you don’t see.
3. If it costs your peace, it’s too expensive.
4. Rejection is redirection.
5. Write 5 things you’re grateful for daily. It’ll change your life.
6. Your life isn’t yours if you always care what others think.
7. If you can’t love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love anybody else?!
8. Trust the timing of your life.
9. Asking for help is brave. Do it often.
10. Sometimes things have to end for better ones to begin.
11. If it makes you happy, it doesn’t need to make sense to anyone.
12. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Be good anyway.
13. Progress > Perfection
14. Not knowing the future is half the fun. Enjoy the ride.
15. Compliment strangers—kind words can save lives.
16. Encourage others (and yourself) to be themselves. It’s the loudest way to love them.
17. Health is wealth. Treat your body like you only get one.
18. You can be the ripest peach, and someone will still hate peaches.
19. Comparison is the thief of joy.
20. You spend most of your time in your mind. Make it a happy place.
21. Say “I love you” & “I’m sorry” often.
22. Many things can be true at once.
23. Somebody’s inability to see your value doesn’t dictate your worth.
24. It’s your parents’ first time living life too.
25. Storms will come. Learn to dance in the rain.
26. Cracks are how the light gets in. Your imperfections = beauty.
27. Be good, but don’t waste time proving it.
28. There’s no such thing as failure. You win or learn.
29. Sometimes not getting what you want puts u on the path to what u deserve.
30. Care about your credit score 🫠
31. You can be both a masterpiece & a work in progress.
32. Self-care’s a necessity, not a luxury.
33. Aging is a gift many don’t get. Embrace it.
34. Surround yourself w/ people who’ll fight for u in rooms you’re not in.
35. Be loud about the things that matter to you.
36. Cheer for & celebrate others. There’s enough sun to shine on everyone.
37. People will forget what u said, but they’ll never forget how u made them feel.
38. Believe that nothing is too good for you.
39. Amor fati.