The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
8 Ways to Give Back This Holiday Season (Spoiler: Alexa makes it really easy)
If you're wondering, "How can I give back this year and get gifts for everyone on my list?" fortunately, there are plenty of ways to help out during the holidays that don't cost a thing. And, to make matters way easier, Amazon’s Alexa is able to help you save a whole lot of time and be more efficient when it comes to giving back.
33 Things I've Learned Living in New York City
New York City can be an intimidating place. The lights! The taxis! The millions of people rushing along the sidewalks with their elbows out! The city is home to 8.6 million people, a good amount of whom were raised in the Big Apple and know how to navigate its streets, subways, and many, many lines. Here’s everything I have learned living in New York City the past two year and TL;DR Carrie Bradshaw lied about literally everything.
13 Things To Stop Doing ASAP (That'll Move Your Life Forward)
Life is like riding a bicycle. In order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.
What It's Like To Be Alone In NYC During Quarantine
So here I am! By myself in New York City, arguably the WORST place to be right now, for 3+ weeks and probably for another 1.5 months, at least. I’ve had person-to-person contact with the people at, like, CVS – but that’s it. I haven’t seen any family members or any friends.
5 Books to Inspire Your Best Life
My whole life I have been an avid reader and in the last ten years, I have really taken to self-help books. Self-help, spiritual, advice, or whatever you want to call them, I love them. I’ve read dozens and they have made a positive impact on my life. Here are a five of my favorites that I recommend to my friends all of the time.
Workout Myths Debunked
Here are some of the biggest myths when it comes to fitness and health that I too once believed, and why they are nonsense!
5 Signs it's Time to End a Friendship
What no one tells you about ‘adulting’ is that the older you get, the more your friendships are tested. Once we graduate college and enter the real world, we’re simply not as intertwined with our friends. Our lives take us each on totally different paths, and it can be hard to maintain old friendships while also experiencing such vast personal changes.
Everything Sex & The City Got Right About Living in New York City
Doing one of the most predictable things a thirty something girl who recently moved to the Big Apple could do, I decided to watch the entire Sex & The City series all over again. Here’s everything the show got absolutely right about living in New York City.
Hack Your Anxiety With This One Little Trick
We all struggle with anxiety. So, here’s the hack i use when my mind is racing, my lungs are tight and I feel like my world is crashing down on me.
Apartment Therapy Takes a Tour of my New York City Apartment
Mandy Ansari, founder of Girl and the Bay, found inspiration for her NYC apartment design from her favorite places: her birthplace of France, her hometown (the Bay Area), and her happy place (Palm Springs). Apartment Therapy tours her Greenwich Village Apartment.
How to Put Together a (Not So Basic) Gallery Wall in Your Home
Gallery walls are just simply the best. But, if you're anything like me, you don’t want yours looking too conventional or like everyone else’s.
Fight Hunger with Walmart + Feeding America
You can help secure a meal every single time you shop at Walmart and Walmart.com when picking up select items (that you’re probably buying anyway). Each of these snacks (and y’know your girl loves cereal) unlocked a donation by the manufacturer to Feeding America® to secure at least one meal at a local food bank.
Exercising Just *This Tiny Bit* Can Prevent Depression
Depression is one of the most common—and most stigmatized—illnesses of our time. To help people understand it, cope with it, and heal from it, it’s important that we talk about it regularly. Now, emerging research finds even more evidence that exercise can help ward off depression in some people. Let’s talk about why these findings are so promising…and why you might want to lace up your running shoes today.
The 7 Best Plants to Spruce Up Your Bathroom
Not only do plants in your bathroom warm up the space and make it more inviting, they also clean the air and provide a number of healthy benefits.
Anxiety right before bed? Doctor approved tips to help you sleep easy.
Does your anxiety keep you from getting a good night’s sleep? I feel ya and I’ve rounded up some advice to help you get your snooze on, while kicking anxiety to the curb.
How I Chose The Sofa of My Dreams (Without Trying it Before Buying It)
How I chose the sofa of my dreams without ever seeing it in person and why the Sven Sofa by Article is the only couch you should be considering.
7 Drugstore Concealers Under $20 (That Are AMAZING)
7 of the best concealers that won’t break the bank, but will banish those under eye bags