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I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.

Entertain Mandy Ansari Entertain Mandy Ansari

Ditch the PSL for a Fall Pimm's Cup

For this recipe, I’m packing all of these wonderful things into a glass, with a nod to summer (until next year, pal!) with a seasonal take on a classic London Pimm’s cup. Even if you wanted to make this alcohol-free it would work, since it has tons of flavor and a nice sour bite from the shrub part of the drink.

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NYC Guides Mandy Ansari NYC Guides Mandy Ansari

12 Festive Fall Day Trip Destinations Right Outside of New York City

Fall is finally here after another hot (even hotter with masks) summer here in the city and we couldn’t be any happier about the cooler weather moving in. There’s nothing like finally cutting off the a/c after having to turn the volume up on your favorite Netflix show for months on end just to hear what is going on over the rattle of the beloved a/c. Navigating fall in the middle of a pandemic can seem like a total drag but it doesn’t have to be! We’ve rounded up the best ways to celebrate fall this year in NYC while still social distancing and following all of the COVID guidelines.

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Wellness Mandy Ansari Wellness Mandy Ansari

Bath's Can't Solve Everything, But They Can Lower Stress. Here Are Some Tips To Find Your Zen In The Bathtub.

Even in the best of times, a relaxing bath is a legit way to decompress. Few things melt away the ordinary stressors of daily life like a warm-to-scalding, sudsy soak. Now, when stressors have become anything but ordinary, it might make sense to likewise level up the bath in order to meet the day’s unprecedented toll on the psyche.

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Advice Mandy Ansari Advice Mandy Ansari

Do You Have Election Anxiety? Ugh. Same.

Election anxiety: While it’s not an official diagnosis, many know it’s plenty real and have felt the effects, especially this year. Mental health professionals agree, saying they’ve seen a significant increase in typical anxiety symptoms (difficulty controlling your worry, restlessness and irritability, problems concentrating or sleeping, and even changes in appetite) tied specifically to the upcoming election.

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Recipes, Entertain Mandy Ansari Recipes, Entertain Mandy Ansari

Spooky (and Healthy) Halloween Beet Crudité & Black Sesame Hummus

It’s the spookiest time of the year! And we’re here to celebrate it with a beautiful spread that’s bloody tasty. Everyone knows that candy is the main star of this holiday, but I find most Halloween party spreads are a little too heavy on the sweet side of things. Why not give your guests something savory to nosh on instead? Today we’re making (bloody) beet-pickled crudités with (dirty) black sesame hummus – spooky, right? This recipe is actually super-healthy, so you won’t feel too bloated in your cute Halloween costume.

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Latest Posts, Life, Live, Advice Mandy Ansari Latest Posts, Life, Live, Advice Mandy Ansari

33 Things I've Learned Living in New York City

New York City can be an intimidating place. The lights! The taxis! The millions of people rushing along the sidewalks with their elbows out! The city is home to 8.6 million people, a good amount of whom were raised in the Big Apple and know how to navigate its streets, subways, and many, many lines. Here’s everything I have learned living in New York City the past two year and TL;DR Carrie Bradshaw lied about literally everything.

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