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I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.

Advice Mandy Ansari Advice Mandy Ansari

What's Your Effect On Others? Here's a Simple Gut-Check.

Because of you, someone's entire day, year, and life can change. The way you treat somebody can have a big impact. Whether it's standing up for someone when no one else will or just saying hi when they're having a bad day, your actions can leave a lasting mark for better or for worse.

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Live, Entertain Mandy Ansari Live, Entertain Mandy Ansari

How to Decorate a Small Apartment for Christmas

Not having a mantle or all the living space in the world can make you feel like you’re SOL when it comes to decorating this time of year. With a little bit of imagination, anything from a stairway to a windowsill is ripe territory for the Christmas spirit. So, c’mon…let’s deck those halls!

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Mindfulness, Money, Live, Advice Mandy Ansari Mindfulness, Money, Live, Advice Mandy Ansari

Avoid The Holiday Season Financial Stress With These 3 Tips (And An App That'll Literally Save Your Bank Account)

Juggling all that holiday shopping, dinner party throwing, and covering your entire apartment in a sea of glitter and string lights on top of your regular day-to-day routine can quickly turn the most wonderful time of the year into the most stressful…especially for your bank account.

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