The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
How to Forgive When You Don't Get The Apology You Want (Or One At All)
They hurt you. Youβre sad. They donβt apologize (or you donβt like their attempt at an apology). How do you forgive them?
25 Famous Women Talk Anxiety + Depression Management
Anna Wintour, Miley, Cyrus, Kristen Bell, J.K. Rowling, Kerry Washington, and others on the ways theyβve managed their illnesses, the messages they would give their struggling younger selves, and the necessity of breaking down the silence that surrounds anxiety and depression.
Honesty Is Trending On Social Media
Step away from the Facetune. Honesty is trending on social media.
Why the New Key To Your Success is Forgiveness
Positive vibes guru and #1 New York Times Best-Selling Author, Gabby Bernstein shares why the F-Word (forgiveness) is the key to unlocking success in your life.
Clear Your Energy + Ditch Negativity With This Easy Meditation
Clear your energy and cut those unhealthy cords with a simple meditation by Gabby Bernstein
10 Steps To Waking Up Earlier (Even If You Hate Mornings)
Need help hittin' the hay? Pegah has 10 tips for waking up earlier.
How to Stop Being "So Busy" + Start Actually Getting Stuff Done
How to stop being "so busy" and
How To Avoid The Comparison Trap (And Up Your Self-Esteem)
Comparison is the thief of joy. So, how do we hold on to our joy and let go of comparison?
35 Acts Of Self-Care (That Almost Cost Literally Nothing)
35 ways to practice self-care that legit cost next to nothing
8 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues
Seasonal depression is a thing and you need to fight it with these 8 simple tips
4 Things You Need to Start Doing Now to be Happier in 2018
Get started on these 4 things STAT so you can set yourself up for success in 2018
Curb Your Anxiety by Letting Go of These 10 Things STAT
Stressed out? Drained!? Been there. Here are 10 things you need to let go of STAT to find more peace in your life.
The Secret to Changing Your #Mood? Morning Mantras.
Did you know the most powerful thing you can do is to change the way you feel about yourself?
Depression Has Many Moods and Faces
Depression Has Many Moods and Faces. Depression can come in many forms and fluctuate from day to day, had to say about the changing face of depression in the comments.
7 Tips to Discover Work-Life Balance
Healthy work-life balance | Sometimes it feels like success can't be achieved without having to sacrifice everything else, but work life balance is something we should fight for.
8 Tips to Boost Your Confidence at Work
Eight Tips To Boost Your Confidence At Work and help you be the best you can be at work. Work consume your soul, increased confidence will naturally follow.
5 Essential Oils That Help You Sleep
Blonde Hair | Besides being unable to properly function and keep your eyes open at your day job, lack of sleep can also have terrible effects on your mood. Fight off insomnia with essential oils.
Alessia Cara Went Makeup-Free & Empowered Us All
Alessia Cara Makeup | You can be natural. You can have a full face of makeup. You can be skinny or fat or short or tall. There is no definition for beautiful. There is no right or wrong way.