The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
21 Things You Need to Buy to Snooze Like Sleeping Beauty
Sleep forward products you can buy for yourself or gift to the nap queen in your life
Recipe: A Cocktail For Your Holiday Sweet Tooth
Seasonal spiced cocktail served with a side of dessert. Could you ask Santa for anything more?
Gift Guide: for the Beauty Obsessed Babe in Your Life
The beauty obsessesed babe in your life has every single one of these best-selling items on their wishlist.
Gift guide: for the Girl Who Has Everything
Need to grab a quick gift for the girl who has everything? This guide may be the help you're looking for.
Gift Guide: What to Buy The Hostess with the Mostest
Gifts for the hostess with the mostest that aren't a bottle of wine or box of chocolates
30 Holiday Activities You Have to Do in New York City This December
Your Guide to Every Single Thing You Need to do in New York City During the Holidays
Curb Your Anxiety by Letting Go of These 10 Things STAT
Stressed out? Drained!? Been there. Here are 10 things you need to let go of STAT to find more peace in your life.
18 Things you have to do in SF During the Holidays
Every single activity you need on your San Francisco Holiday Bucket List
5 Tips For Getting Your Skin Holiday Party Ready
Licensed esthetician and healthy skincare advocate, Corrinne Russell, shares her tips for getting your skin holiday party ready.
How to Host The Most Stress-Free Holiday Dinner Party Ever
Want to host a holiday party, but feeling stressed before you've been begun?! Follow my cardinal rules of holiday dinner party planning.
A Complete Guide to Eating and Drinking in Paris
The best places to eat when in Paris. From breakfast to dinner and everything in between, I've got you covered.
18 Bars in San Francisco Where You Can Dance Like Nobody’s Watching
18 places bars with dance floors when you wanna dance with somebody (with somebody who loves you)
10 Makeup Products Your Dry Skin Needs Now
There's nothing worse than flaky, dry skin than flaky, dry skin with cracked and creased makeup.
10 Easy Tips For Getting Healthier Now (That Don’t Need to Wait Until January 1st)
Ten easy ways to kickstart a healthier lifestyle today....that’d right, you don’t have to wait until New Year’s Day to get started.
The ASOS X Hello Kitty Collaboration is What Dreams Are Made Of
OMG ASOS X Hello Kitty just collaborated and I want to buy everything.
The Secret to Changing Your #Mood? Morning Mantras.
Did you know the most powerful thing you can do is to change the way you feel about yourself?