The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
10 Makeup Products Your Dry Skin Needs Now
There's nothing worse than flaky, dry skin than flaky, dry skin with cracked and creased makeup.
10 Easy Tips For Getting Healthier Now (That Donβt Need to Wait Until January 1st)
Ten easy ways to kickstart a healthier lifestyle today....thatβd right, you donβt have to wait until New Yearβs Day to get started.
The Secret to Changing Your #Mood? Morning Mantras.
Did you know the most powerful thing you can do is to change the way you feel about yourself?
The 12 Fenty Beauty Products You Need To Own Now
Rihanna Reviewed: The 12 Fenty Beauty Products You Need to Own Now
7 Tips to Discover Work-Life Balance
Healthy work-life balance | Sometimes it feels like success can't be achieved without having to sacrifice everything else, but work life balance is something we should fight for.
8 Tips to Boost Your Confidence at Work
Eight Tips To Boost Your Confidence At Work and help you be the best you can be at work. Work consume your soul, increased confidence will naturally follow.
How to Keep Your Blonde Hair Bright and Healthy All Year Long
Best Products For Blonde Hair | Jamie Garland of B Society shares her salon's secrets to keeping that color treated, blonde hair fresh, cool, healthy and bright all year long.
5 Essential Oils That Help You Sleep
Blonde Hair | Besides being unable to properly function and keep your eyes open at your day job, lack of sleep can also have terrible effects on your mood. Fight off insomnia with essential oils.
Alessia Cara Went Makeup-Free & Empowered Us All
Alessia Cara Makeup | You can be natural. You can have a full face of makeup. You can be skinny or fat or short or tall. There is no definition for beautiful. There is no right or wrong way.
5 Morning Habits That'll Make You Feel Like the Badass You Already Are
5 Morning Habits That'll Make You Feel Like the Badass You Already Are | Discover the 5 things you should do daily - to increase your confidence and empower
The Lazy Girl's Guide to Washing Your Makeup Brushes
The Lazy Girl's Guide to Washing Your Makeup Brushes | The lazy girl's guide to cleaning your makeup brushes. Let's be honest, when does anyone have the time to lay those