The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
How To Help A Friend Who's Dealing With Depression
It can be heartbreaking to watch someone you love battle with this mental illness. It’s also not a rare experience – depression is the biggest cause of disability worldwide, thought to affect 300 million people, according to the World Health Organization. Here’s how you can help
How to Really Make Friends as an Adult (Without Joining a Sports League)
How do you make friends as an adult? To get some real advice, I went to Katie Kurtz, a Connection Expert (my title for her). Katie is the founder and CEO of Her Turn Co., a movement working to redefine how womxn connect.
6 First Date Conversation Starters
There is no doubt that dates are awkward. But there are a few ways to minimize the awkwardness, get to know your date, and help you both have a great time. One of those ways is to ask the right questions. Asking your date the right questions can open up your discussion and lead the two of you to get in lost in conversation, which is always a win on a first date.
The 5 Types of Guys You'll "Meet" During Quarantine
Through my heightened use of dating apps, I’ve had the good fortune of experiencing some weird as hell dudes. Is quarantine bringing out the worst in people online? Methinks yes. I’ve therefore decided to classify each of these oddballs into five categories.
6 Ways To Find The Silver Lining During The Age of Isolation + Quarantine
There’s a lot to be stressed about lately due to the coronavirus pandemic: Confirmed cases of COVID-19 keep rising, stock market volatility is causing panic, jobs are at risk and store shelves are emptying. But there’s a lot more at stake here than toilet paper. I’m talking about mental health, particularly for millennials.
Signs That He's Just Not Looking For a Relationship
My hundreds of failed relationships have helped me realize the biggest signs that a guy is not looking for a relationship. And lucky for you, I am sharing those with you.
5 Books to Inspire Your Best Life
My whole life I have been an avid reader and in the last ten years, I have really taken to self-help books. Self-help, spiritual, advice, or whatever you want to call them, I love them. I’ve read dozens and they have made a positive impact on my life. Here are a five of my favorites that I recommend to my friends all of the time.
Protecting Your Mental Health During the Pandemic That is Coronavirus
WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE, AMIRITE?! Ok, I’ll admit…all the Quarantine memes can be pretty funny, but, in all honesty—the world is going through a lot of turmoil right now because of the Coronavirus. And, well, it can be triggering. If all the Coronavirus talk is causing you to feel all sorts of emotions—you’re not alone and you shouldn’t be ashamed.
5 Signs it's Time to End a Friendship
What no one tells you about ‘adulting’ is that the older you get, the more your friendships are tested. Once we graduate college and enter the real world, we’re simply not as intertwined with our friends. Our lives take us each on totally different paths, and it can be hard to maintain old friendships while also experiencing such vast personal changes.
The Best and Worst Metros for Dating
Best & Worst Metros for Dating 2020 report by Apartment List was made by asking 20,000 renters: “How would you rate your current city or neighborhood for opportunities to date?”, with the possible responses being: Very Satisfied, Somewhat Satisfied, Neutral, Somewhat Unsatisfied, and Very Unsatisfied. See which cities ranked highest and lowest.
9 Ways To Let Go of Regret (And Live a Happier Life STAT)
regret. it makes us believe that if we did things differently, things would be better right now. sometimes it’s true and other times it’s not. our relationship with regret can keep us stuck in the past and unable to make healthy decisions for the future.
5 Ways To Quit People Pleasing and Beat Approval Addiction
People-pleasers want everyone around them to be happy, but when you fall into the habit of saying “yes” to everything and everyone—it can become an addiction to feeling needed, important and gaining validation. Very quickly, the desire to help others can turn into having your sense of security + confidence rooted in the approval of others. Here are 5 tips to help you start saying no and stop living to please everyone, but yourself:
9 Things You Can Do To Have A Super Productive Week
There’s got to be a way to fool-proof your M-F and make sure it’s efficient AF, right?! So, I’ve put together a list of 9 things you can do to help you have a super productive week.
10 Ways to Help Someone Struggling with Anxiety
Anxiety is real. it’s crippling and it’s affecting more + more people around the world by the minute. Helping a loved one struggling with anxiety can be a pretty tough job too. Here are 10 ways you can help a friend who has anxiety.
4 Ways We Can All Help Prevent Suicide (Beyond Calling Hotlines)
Here are 4 ways you can broach the subject of suicide in a respectful, stigma-free way.
Hack Your Anxiety With This One Little Trick
We all struggle with anxiety. So, here’s the hack i use when my mind is racing, my lungs are tight and I feel like my world is crashing down on me.
11 Ways to Stay Positive During Difficult Times
A lot of people pride themselves on being optimists, and TBH, if you can stay positive with everything that’s going on in the world today, major props to you. Here are 11 mood-boosting strategies to help you be happier during difficult times.
Grief Doesn't Have an Expiration Date: Dealing With Painful Reminders of Loss
Grief doesn't magically end at a certain point after loss. When you lose a loved one, you might be faced with grief over your loss again and again — sometimes even years later. Feelings of grief might return on the anniversary of your loved one or other special days throughout the year.