The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
10 Affirmations You Need To Read Today
Affirmations have the power to rewire your thoughts and change the course of your life. Here’s 10 by Mandy Ansari Jensen to help you get started on your day.
Feeling Hopeless? Say These 12 Things to Yourself Now.
Sometimes it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Self-talk is key when you’re feeling depleted and hopeless. Say these 12 things to yourself to help you envision better days ahead.
Apartment Therapy Takes a Tour of my New York City Apartment
Mandy Ansari, founder of Girl and the Bay, found inspiration for her NYC apartment design from her favorite places: her birthplace of France, her hometown (the Bay Area), and her happy place (Palm Springs). Apartment Therapy tours her Greenwich Village Apartment.
All the Leather Things You Need RN
I’m a sucker for leather. Boots, jackets, trench, skirt, dress, mittens - whatever it is, I’m into it. I’ve rounded up my favorite leather pieces of the moment for your shopping pleasure.
Managing Stress + Anxiety with CBD and Sagely Naturals
Anxiety can be absolutely debilitating. With so many things in my life changing all at once, I can take all the help I can get when it comes to stress management. #SagelyNaturals creates products that give you all the benefits of CBD without any of the psychoactive effects. Sharing all about the Stress Treatment Roll-On that hasn’t left my purse and the rest the Tranquility Collection (that has been a a total breath of fresh air) on the blog. #SelfCareWithSagely
40 Outfits That Will Make You Want to Wear Polka Dots
Polka Dots are all the rage and I’ve rounded up the season’s best pieces for your shopping pleasure.
50 Shoes Under $50 That You Need This Summer
Your favorite pair of jeans will fail to forgive you when your weight fluctuates, but your shoes remain a constant confidante. Here are my favorite kicks of the Summer, all under $50 so you can treat yourself to a pair (or four) without feeling too bad.
The Glossier Products That Totally Live Up To The Hype
Glossier is more than just a pretty package (dripping in millennial pink). Yes, there’s a lot of hype…but it’s actually pretty warranted. Check out the products I bought and LOVED.
Nordstrom Half-Yearly Sale Favorites
The Nordstrom Half-Yearly sale is coming in hot with incredible deals on everything from bathing suits to your frequently used beauty products to the designer shoes you've been coveting all year long.
The Ultimate Italy + France Summer Travel Guide
Whether you’re planning the honeymoon of your dreams or the trip of a lifetime with your gal pals, this travel itinerary by Katie Dean of Katie Dean Jewelry is the only advice you need when traveling to the French Riviera, Amalfi Coast, Tuscany and Paris.
Spring 2018's Hottest Accessory Trends
Spring has sprung and these 6 accessory trends are about to take over your Instagram feed.
The Best Little Black Dresses of the Moment
Dress 'er up, dress 'er down - the LBD is your BFF 4 LYFE.