The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
How To Turn Your Instagram Into A Cash Money Making Machine
If I had a $1 for every single time someone asked me how to make money on social media...
Spring 2018's Hottest Accessory Trends
Spring has sprung and these 6 accessory trends are about to take over your Instagram feed.
Does Social Media Depress You? Implement These 5 Tips STAT
Social media has so many positives, but it can also have a major downside when it comes to your mental health. Implement these 5 tips to create a healthy relationship with social media.
12 Wine Country Spots to Visit During Napa Valley Restaurant Week
Take advantage of the generous offerings during Napa Valley Restaurant Week with my top 12 restaurants to snag a reservation at
Why You Should 100% Send That Thank You Note After A Job Interview
Because you should never question the power of a "thank you"
How to Stop Being "So Busy" + Start Actually Getting Stuff Done
How to stop being "so busy" and
How To Avoid The Comparison Trap (And Up Your Self-Esteem)
Comparison is the thief of joy. So, how do we hold on to our joy and let go of comparison?
35 Acts Of Self-Care (That Almost Cost Literally Nothing)
35 ways to practice self-care that legit cost next to nothing
4 Things You Need to Start Doing Now to be Happier in 2018
Get started on these 4 things STAT so you can set yourself up for success in 2018
21 Things You Need to Buy to Snooze Like Sleeping Beauty
Sleep forward products you can buy for yourself or gift to the nap queen in your life
Recipe: A Cocktail For Your Holiday Sweet Tooth
Seasonal spiced cocktail served with a side of dessert. Could you ask Santa for anything more?
Gift guide: for the Girl Who Has Everything
Need to grab a quick gift for the girl who has everything? This guide may be the help you're looking for.
Gift Guide: What to Buy The Hostess with the Mostest
Gifts for the hostess with the mostest that aren't a bottle of wine or box of chocolates