The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
COVID Vaccine Shot #2: Everything You Need to Know
Here’s an in-depth look at getting the second COVID vaccine and a round-up of helpful resources for all of your questions and vaccine-locating needs.
Best Sushi Delivery In New York City
Because this is the guide that you never knew that you really needed - the guide to the best sushi delivery in NYC.
The Best Heated-Outdoor Bars in NYC
Grab a drink at any of these lovely NYC bars and don’t worry about staying warm — they’ve got you covered (literally).
Where to Grab A Covid Friendly Cup of Coffee in NYC
Sometimes you just want to hang at a coffee shop and step away from whatever your life may be at the moment — but it seems nearly impossible to do that with the covid dining restrictions and the freezing temps. But coffee shops with outdoor dining and heat lamps? They exist. And we’ve shared the best ones for you so that you never have to sip your cup of joe standing in the freezing temps again.
The Ultimate NYC COVID Date Spot Guide
Dating during covid can be hard, especially with all of the dining restrictions, so we’ve done our research to compile our top covid-date picks all throughout NYC.
My Personal Vaccine Experience
Here is a guide to lead you through everything you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine and resources for the local NYC area.
New York City's Best Vintage and Second-hand shops
There are boundless options to shop secondhand in New York, but where to start?! In this Girl and The guide we are guiding you through New York’s best thrift and vintage adventures.
The Most Thoughtful Gift Ideas for Your BFF
What do you buy your BFF after a year like 2020? We’ve rounded up the best sources for thoughtful and intentional gifts that your BFF is sure to love, use, and appreciate.
How to Write A Great Cover Letter
Writing a cover letter can be dreadful, so we’ve simplified the process in this easy-to-digest breakdown, giving you everything you need to know to write a cover letter worth reading.
11 Chick Flicks To Give You All Of The Summer Feels
All of the summer movies that you should absolutely see.
13 Things To Stop Doing ASAP (That'll Move Your Life Forward)
Life is like riding a bicycle. In order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.
What It's Like To Be Alone In NYC During Quarantine
So here I am! By myself in New York City, arguably the WORST place to be right now, for 3+ weeks and probably for another 1.5 months, at least. I’ve had person-to-person contact with the people at, like, CVS – but that’s it. I haven’t seen any family members or any friends.
The Top Makeup Products You Need To Look Good In Your Zoom Conference Calls
Getting ready for the day all of the sudden feels extremely daunting and, obviously, useless. WTF is the point? Yes, most of us that are lucky enough to still have work are using Zoom for video conference calls, but it feels stupid to pretend like we are doing anything but sitting on our couches in our PJ’s. None of us feel cute right now. Here’s what you need to look your WFH best.
6 Ways To Find The Silver Lining During The Age of Isolation + Quarantine
There’s a lot to be stressed about lately due to the coronavirus pandemic: Confirmed cases of COVID-19 keep rising, stock market volatility is causing panic, jobs are at risk and store shelves are emptying. But there’s a lot more at stake here than toilet paper. I’m talking about mental health, particularly for millennials.
5 Tips for Getting Out Of The City And Moving To the Burbs
City life is swell but when it gets to be too much, there’s always the suburbs! Here are 5 tips to remember when you’re saying, “Goodbye city life, HELLO Suburbia!”