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I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.

Money, Advice Mandy Ansari Money, Advice Mandy Ansari

Build Your Confidence By Doing Your Small Business Taxes (Yes, You Heard Me Right) with H&R Block's Block Advisors

H&R Block’s purpose is to provide help and inspire confidence in communities everywhere. They believe that financial confidence begins with your tax refund. This past year, COVID-19 impacted us all in many ways – including our taxes. As you navigate your 2020 taxes, H&R Block has got you covered with help available online or in person from one of their highly trained tax professionals.

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Advice Mandy Ansari Advice Mandy Ansari

Do You Have Election Anxiety? Ugh. Same.

Election anxiety: While it’s not an official diagnosis, many know it’s plenty real and have felt the effects, especially this year. Mental health professionals agree, saying they’ve seen a significant increase in typical anxiety symptoms (difficulty controlling your worry, restlessness and irritability, problems concentrating or sleeping, and even changes in appetite) tied specifically to the upcoming election.

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Latest Posts, Life, Live, Advice Mandy Ansari Latest Posts, Life, Live, Advice Mandy Ansari

33 Things I've Learned Living in New York City

New York City can be an intimidating place. The lights! The taxis! The millions of people rushing along the sidewalks with their elbows out! The city is home to 8.6 million people, a good amount of whom were raised in the Big Apple and know how to navigate its streets, subways, and many, many lines. Here’s everything I have learned living in New York City the past two year and TL;DR Carrie Bradshaw lied about literally everything.

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Advice Mandy Ansari Advice Mandy Ansari

18 Things That Don't Define You

mistaking that your worth, importance and who you are is defined by what you do, how you look, and who you are in the eyes of the world can result in sweeping, general anxiety. here are the 18 things that don’t define you.

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Advice Mandy Ansari Advice Mandy Ansari

Boundaries 101

You can have every good intention of wanting to provide support, but the truth is—sometimes you just have nothing to give. Whenever I find myself running on empty with little to offer, it is very clear that I’ve neglected my personal boundaries.

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