The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
12 Things That Don’t Define You—And Why It’s Time to Let Them Go
Break free from society’s obsession with labels, milestones, and metrics. In this empowering guide, we’re debunking the myths that tie your worth to external factors—like your job title, appearance, or social media followers—and reminding you that your value comes from within. It’s time to embrace your authenticity, ditch the checkboxes, and live life on your own terms.
11 Things to Stop Doing ASAP (To Live a More Positive Life)
Starting doing less of these 11 things to live a happier life
Feeling Hopeless? Say These 12 Things to Yourself Now.
Sometimes it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Self-talk is key when you’re feeling depleted and hopeless. Say these 12 things to yourself to help you envision better days ahead.
Changing Your Mindset With Positive Affirmations
If you’ve wanted to change your mindset, the power of positive thinking can have a significant impact on your spiritual and mental well-being.
10 Lies You Need To Stop Believing Immediately (Because You Deserve to Live A Very Happy Life)
Rid yourself of limiting beliefs by stopping these 10 lies from creeping into your mind.
13 Things To Stop Doing ASAP (That'll Move Your Life Forward)
Life is like riding a bicycle. In order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.