The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
Shop Small Businesses Who Are Giving Back To The Community
Highlighting the small businesses who are playing their part by giving back during these difficult times.
What's The Glass Cliff? 7 Ways Female Business Leaders Can Avoid Falling Off.
The glass ceiling is a real, invisible barrier women face in the workforce as they try to climb the corporate ladder. Even after this ceiling is shattered, women are then introduced to the glass cliff.
How to Work From Home (And Actually Get $#*T Done)
Even if you're organized, focused and motivated, there are distractions and other challenges that can get in the way of productivity when it comes to making the transition to working from home. I’ve got the tips you need to make the transition seamless!
8 Tips to Boost Your Confidence at Work
Eight Tips To Boost Your Confidence At Work and help you be the best you can be at work. Work consume your soul, increased confidence will naturally follow.