The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
6 First Date Conversation Starters
There is no doubt that dates are awkward. But there are a few ways to minimize the awkwardness, get to know your date, and help you both have a great time. One of those ways is to ask the right questions. Asking your date the right questions can open up your discussion and lead the two of you to get in lost in conversation, which is always a win on a first date.
Signs That He's Just Not Looking For a Relationship
My hundreds of failed relationships have helped me realize the biggest signs that a guy is not looking for a relationship. And lucky for you, I am sharing those with you.
The Best and Worst Metros for Dating
Best & Worst Metros for Dating 2020 report by Apartment List was made by asking 20,000 renters: “How would you rate your current city or neighborhood for opportunities to date?”, with the possible responses being: Very Satisfied, Somewhat Satisfied, Neutral, Somewhat Unsatisfied, and Very Unsatisfied. See which cities ranked highest and lowest.
Fix The Mistakes In Your Dating Game
Celebrity matchmaker, Susan Trombetti, shares advice on how to fix your dating game this Valentine’s Day.
13 Last-Minute San Francisco Date Night Spots
San Francisco Date Night | But if you're gonna summer swipe your way through San Francisco. Recent meet-up locations have started at perfect date-night bars too
25 San Francisco Spots With Killer Outdoor Seating
25 San Francisco Spots With Killer Outdoor Seating | When @karlthefog isn’t taking over the city, you’ve got to take full advantage and stay outdoors as much