The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
18 Things That Don't Define You
mistaking that your worth, importance and who you are is defined by what you do, how you look, and who you are in the eyes of the world can result in sweeping, general anxiety. here are the 18 things that don’t define you.
6 Ways To Find The Silver Lining During The Age of Isolation + Quarantine
There’s a lot to be stressed about lately due to the coronavirus pandemic: Confirmed cases of COVID-19 keep rising, stock market volatility is causing panic, jobs are at risk and store shelves are emptying. But there’s a lot more at stake here than toilet paper. I’m talking about mental health, particularly for millennials.
Protecting Your Mental Health During the Pandemic That is Coronavirus
WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE, AMIRITE?! Ok, I’ll admit…all the Quarantine memes can be pretty funny, but, in all honesty—the world is going through a lot of turmoil right now because of the Coronavirus. And, well, it can be triggering. If all the Coronavirus talk is causing you to feel all sorts of emotions—you’re not alone and you shouldn’t be ashamed.