The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
40 Outfits That Will Make You Want to Wear Polka Dots
Polka Dots are all the rage and I’ve rounded up the season’s best pieces for your shopping pleasure.
50 Shoes Under $50 That You Need This Summer
Your favorite pair of jeans will fail to forgive you when your weight fluctuates, but your shoes remain a constant confidante. Here are my favorite kicks of the Summer, all under $50 so you can treat yourself to a pair (or four) without feeling too bad.
The Glossier Products That Totally Live Up To The Hype
Glossier is more than just a pretty package (dripping in millennial pink). Yes, there’s a lot of hype…but it’s actually pretty warranted. Check out the products I bought and LOVED.