The Best Things To Buy For Your Entertainment At This Quaran-time
Being stuck inside really sucks. Even Netflix and chill is starting to sound boring – THAT’S how you know it’s time to switch things up. Which means drastic measures must be taken! What’s left to keep ourselves entertained?!
Don’t worry, we gotchu. Here are some ideas of things to buy during this quaran-time that don’t involve a screen, and are probably totally outside your realm of thinking.
You can do it! Learn how to step away from the screen in 3, 2, 1….
What Do You Meme
In case you live under a rock, What Do You Meme is the “adult card game” where you basically match meme sentences to meme photos. It can get pretty hilarious and is even more fun when you’re drunk. So there is your excuse to get tipsy while stuck indoors as if you needed one.
Unoriginal, I know, but this is what it has come to! Anthropologie, Walmart, Nordstrom and I’m sure MOST other places are selling puzzles online right now. It will definitely occupy you as demonstrated in this GIF below that cracked me up probably more than it should’ve.
Beauty Products
Amp up your self-care and put on a podcast while you’re beautifying – it’s my favorite activity! Here is a smorgasbord of all the masks and general beauty products I’m loving right now:
Naisture 15 Min Pamper Me Kit
A ‘Pamper Me’ kit that comes with face, eye, hair, hand and foot masks!
Hand masks from Sephora. Random, but can you think of a better time to give attention to your hands than in a quarantine?
Hair trio from Wander Beauty with a leave-in conditioner/hair mask, shampoo/body wash, and a hair spritz or hair “refresher.”
An exfoliating mask that warms up on your face and smells freakishly like pumpkin.
Vegan nail polish. Comes in stunning colors!
A hydrating mask that can be worn to sleep or before moisturizing.
Meditation and mental-health books are probably popping off the (virtual) shelves right now. I’ve heard that How The Body Knows Its Mind is great. If you’re looking to become your best-self during these days and want some books to help you on your journey of self-empowerment, there’s some really good recommendations here.
If you’re more interested in a distraction/looking to laugh, my FAVORITE series is Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging.
There’s also always the option to download a book on Audible and listen to it while staring at the wall.
Rubik’s Cube
I feel like a loser for even typing out the words ‘rubik’s cube’, but this is one option that will DEFINITELY pass the time. And it could be a cool party trick for when we’re not in quarantine?
You can buy one at Target.
We were all thinking it. FYI Minibar is still delivery alcohol during Quarantine.