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Entertain Mandy Ansari Entertain Mandy Ansari

Healthy + Fresh Game Day Recipes

When you think of food for for a watching a sports game or any other gathering this time of year, you might think of all things gut-bustingly hearty, but here are some easy recipes to lighten up your party offering.

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Entertain, Latest Posts Mandy Ansari Entertain, Latest Posts Mandy Ansari

5 End-Of-Summer Crowd Pleasing Recipes For Your Next Dinner Party

I’ve rounded up my favorite warm-ish weather recipes that are easy to put together for a crowd. From watermelon sangria, beet deviled eggs (my latest obsession), the perfect cruditΓ© hummus platter, grilled corn (another favorite) to a scrumptious banh miβ€”you’ve got all the recipes you need to throw a dinner (or lunch) party. Make one or make β€˜em all…just promise me you’ll have some fun!

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