The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
Add Positivity to Your Day With Virtual Pep Talks
What turns my day around and keeps me going? Mantras and positive affirmations. Words hold a lot of meaning, so it’s important to choose wisely what you say to yourself each day. The right mantra has the power to motivate you to achieve your goals and make each and every day a great one. Introducing, Virtual Pep Talk, on Amazon! An Alexa Skill created by me for you.
5 Ways Alexa is Keeping My Mental and Physical Health in Check This Holiday Season
It’s important to prioritize our mental and physical health so we can be the best version of ourselves during the holidays. After all, that’s the best gift we can give to our loved ones and a heck of lot more valuable than that air fryer you were going to get your sister-in-law. My Amazon Devices, like my Echo Show and Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote, are keeping my mind and body right this holiday season.